Holding a Java Workshop

Mar 7, 2016 17:49
Today, I held a Java workshop at my university.

Fourteen people participated in the workshop, and it took about three hours.

The purpose of the workshop was to make a drawing software using Java.

However, it was difficult to progress while checking the progress of everyone, so I couldn't achieve my plan.

The second workshop will be held on this Friday.

I'd like to reconsider how I should progress the workshop by next time.






No. 1 坐流's correction
  • However, it was difficult to progress while checking the progress of everyone, so I couldn't achieve my plan.
  • However, it was difficult to proceed while keeping track of everyone's progress, so I couldn't achieve my plan.
  • I'd like to reconsider how I should progress the workshop by next time.
  • I'd like to reconsider how I should run the workshop next time.
Thank you very much for correcting my post! :)
No. 2 Timmy's correction
  • The purpose of the workshop was to make a drawing software using Java.
  • The purpose (or: goal) of the workshop was to make a drawing software using Java.
  • I'd like to reconsider how I should progress the workshop by next time.
  • I'd like to improve the workshop structure next time.
Nice! I've heard that original version of Minecraft was coded in Java.
Thank you very much always for correcting my post!
Yes, Minecraft for PC was coded in Java :)
You're welcome!^_^
No. 3 ピポ's correction
  • Holding a Java Workshop
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I held a Java workshop at my university.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Fourteen people participated in the workshop, and it took about three hours.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The purpose of the workshop was to make a drawing software using Java.
  • The purpose of the workshop was to make a drawing software using Java.
  • The second workshop will be held on this Friday.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I'd like to reconsider how I should progress the workshop by next time.
  • I'd like to reconsider how I should improve the workshop by next time.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
That's nice :)
今回はJFrameとJButton, JLabelなどをSwingコントロールを使いました。